Thursday, January 27, 2011

I Like Turtles.

If you don't get the title then check out this video and it will explain it. 

My new years resolution is to be more positive about life, so I decided to write a post about some of the random things I like. I could probably write a lot about things I don’t like. For example, I don’t like the people who guess the same thing in Charades, or the people who give the same clues. There’s always someone in the group who does this… they’re the person who keeps shouting out the same thing over and over and they just keep saying it louder and louder because they think you didn’t hear them. I heard you, it’s just not the answer so… GUESS SOMETHING ELSE and then maybe we can get a point! But writing about stuff like that would be negative and my new years resolution is to be positive, and if I learned anything from Brant in my calculus class, it’s that positives and negatives are not the same. So now I will write about the random things I like:)

I like chocolate. Who doesn’t? End of story.

I like laughing until I cry. It’s the best feeling in the world. If the whole rumor about “Laughing makes you live longer” is true, then I’ll live to be 500. Actually, I’m not sure if I’d want to live to be that old… I only planned on wearing diapers for one period of my life and that ship has sailed.

I like funny old men.

I like Pina Coladas and getting caught in the rain.
Just kidding! That’s from a song. I’ve never had a real Pina Colada, but I do like Pina Colada flavored Slurpees mixed with Coke… because then it tastes like Vanilla Coke and I loved that when it was still around.

I like singing in the car and singing karaoke. I’m pretty sure I could try out for American Idol because I’m just soooo good at singing…

I really like tigers. They’re my favorite animal:) However, I don’t really care for the Cincinnati Bengals… they’re not very good at football. I cheer for the Redskins because they’re my home team, and the Eagles because they have the prettiest colored jersey!

I like playing Wii.… and I’m pretty dang good at it!

I like California. I was actually born there. Someday I’m gonna drop out of college and live there with my best friend. Her boyfriend will live in a shed in the backyard. This will happen in my second life;)

I like doing fun high adventure things like skydiving, white water rafting, dog sledding, and riding roller-coasters.

I like Narnia. I used to think it existed and that I could find it in my grandma’s house…. wait.… no…. I still think that.

I like magic. That’s probably why I like Harry Potter so much.

I like Kronk from “The Emperor’s New Groove”. Everything he says makes me laugh.

I like Glenn Coco. “Four for you Glenn Coco! You go Glenn Coco!” I think they should make a movie just about Glenn Coco.

I like having family game night.

I like when boys still act chivalrous.

I like writing blogs and I could go on and on with this list. I don’t even care if anyone reads them, but they are nice to write anyway. It’s relaxing because I usually listen to music while I write them and it’s just a nice way to get my thoughts out and take a break from being busy in life. It’s good to stop and smell the flowers every now and then and blogging is a good way to do that……….. And if you’re procrastinating on homework. Blogging is good for that too.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I Want To Be More Like My Dog...

Yup. That's my New Year's resolution!

I know it sounds kinda weird.... but thats because it's not the normal boring stuff like go to the gym more, or eat less sweets, or get more sleep, or stop killing the neighbors pigs. (If you're one of the people who makes a New Year's resolution like that.... is that really the best you can do? I mean, do those types of resolutions even last past a few weeks or a month or two if you're lucky? No. They don't. Stop kidding yourself. You're basically just going through  the 40 days of Lent if you do that. And that's why you should make a new and exciting one!)

So I'm gonna try to explain this the best I can. My dog's name is Dakota! Funny thing is, she is 3/4 black lab (one of the smartest breeds of dogs) and 1/4 hound (one of the not-so-smartest breeds of dogs).... she inherited the hounds intellectual ability. Real life examples of her intellectual ability include: Hiding behind me when a deer jumps out of the woods, barking at nothing, being afraid of anything you shake at her, smashing into walls because she likes to look behind herself when she runs, having no idea what fetch means, and having an irrational fear of stairs (which is called bathmophobia for anyone who wanted to know). Don't get me wrong.... I love her to death, but she definitely isn't the brightest bulb in the pack.

It took about 20 pictures (no joke) before I finally got one where she was looking. And yes, she is wearing a Redskins bandana. But she tried to eat it a few days later so we had to take it off. Such a smart dog:)

It's not her intellectual skills I admire, but it's her attitude about life. She's always so happy to see me, no matter what. Every time I walk in the doors she's all like "Ohmygosh! Ohmygosh! OhmyGOSH!!!!!! I'M SO EXCITED TO SEE YOU! AHHHHHH! yayayayayayayyayaya! I love being a dog!" Every. Time. Even if I'm only gone for an hour. The moment you walk though that door, she bombards you. There is no such thing as a personal bubble in her mind. She also likes to lick people.... like, a lot. It's like she wants to give you a bath or something. And normally her tail is wagging so ferociously that her whole body shakes and she looks like she's wiggling. A lot of people comment on this too.... they'll say stuff like, "Is your dog ok? She's shaking really bad" and I'll be like, "Oh yeah, thats normal. She's just really happy"

I know I can't be as extreme as her. Actually, I don't want to be as extreme as her. But I want to give it a try. I want to be happier about everything even if its the tiniest detail, and basically just be more optimistic. I think I'm already pretty optimistic, but it can't hurt to try a little harder:) And I feel like this will be a good resolution because it will last for the whole year.

And now a cheesy quote to sum it all up because I don't really know what else to write: "I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; They give unconditional love. For me, they are the role model for being alive." ~Gilda Radner