Saturday, March 19, 2011

Debutante Ball

So Over break I went to this ball, and every time I tell someone that, they ask me all about it. So I'm dedicating this post to explaining what it was and putting up pictures for the people who haven't seen them already on facebook.

To start the night, Cecylia (my cousin) got official pictures taken with her family. After that, we all went to dinner and took our own pictures:)

Left to Right: Me, Christine (front), Cecylia, Pat, and Cheyanne.
Apparently a few of them decided to make some funny faces.... Pat thought it was funny... I didn't really notice.

But then my Aunt Tina said something funny and we all just started laughing :D

After pictures and dinner, we went to the ball. To be honest, I don't even really know how to explain why they had the ball. All I know is that it's like that thing in the movie, "She's the Man"and my cousin was a Debutante like Amanda Bynes:) You can see all the other debutantes and the Kings of Mardi Gras in the background.

They announced her name and she walked down the aisle with her dad as they spoke about all the cool stuff she's done. Kinda like announcing a resume.

After that, all the Debutantes danced with their Dad and their escort. So cute:)

After all of that was done, the party really started. The parents stayed in the main room and had an auction and older songs (songs they liked). The kids were allowed into another room where there was a DJ and sparkling champagne and snacks. We danced the rest of the night!

This was "Dynamite" if you can't tell. "I throw my hands up in the air sometimes..."
It was a really great night and I'm really glad I got the opportunity to go:)

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