Monday, October 31, 2011

3 Days of Halloween. Day 3: Costumes

Over the years, I’ve had some pretty good costumes, and I owe a many thanks to my mom for making most of them. I’ll try to recall some of them here and include picture when I can, but honestly, I don’t have very many pictures. I asked my parents to send me some, but instead they sent me a bunch of pictures from a camp that we went to where we had to dress up…. Not Halloween. But I’ll do my best.

The first costume I can remember was a bat and I was probably in like first grade. I wore all black, and my mom had sewn on wings to my shirt. Pretty simple. Pretty classic. Only that was the year I had discovered cheap drugstore make-up. I gross myself out to think of how much I wore that night. The lipstick that was so red it would burn your eyes out, and bright blue eyeshadow. I don’t even know how that would go with the whole bat thing I had going but I was young. I also thought eyeshadow was supposed to go on your eyebrows…. Lets just say that I’m glad I don’t have a picture of that year.

The next one I can think of was second grade and it was the first year Kathryn and I had done a costume together. Everyone had always told us that we looked like twins so we had decided to dress up as Mary-Kate (Kathryn) and Ashley (Me). Only Kathryn’s feet started to hurt her halfway through trick-or-treating so she had to be pulled in a wagon and go slowly with all the parents. I decided to go ahead because I wanted to stay with all the other little kids…. a bad idea. When I got to the door, the people would ask me, “Oh hi! What are you dressed up as?” And I would say, “I’m Ashley!” And then they would say, “Hi Ashley, what are you dressed up as?” Probably the worst costume ever.

The next few years Kathryn and I did all of our costumes together. We did stuff like a pair of dice, raisins, a pair of blue genes, and my favorite, a two-headed monster. We did that one for 2 consecutive years because we loved it so much. Here’s a picture

Sorry about the horrible quality, but there we are on the upper right in green. My little brother is in front of us with the big red box around him. Don't know what that was supposed to be.... and hey look! It looks like Lady Gaga got her style from the kid in the center with the blonde wig!

Only sometimes people didn’t get what we were. We got asked of we were a cow, or a goat. I don’t see where they got that idea from. We also got asked if we were the headless horseman. Pretty close guess seeing as we have 2 HEADS!

I also don’t really want to mention this one because eits so embarrassing, but my friend Lanie, and I dressed up as trees with a clothesline one year. Like I said, embarrassing.

In high school some friends form my cross country team and I dressed up as the Wizard of Oz. I was Glinda, my friend Lanie was Elphaba/The Wicked witch of the west (of you haven’t seen Wicked), Kathryn was the cowardly Lion, my friend Morgan was The scarecrow, my friend Jessie was Dorthey, and my friend Oshin was the Wizard. The person who was supposed to be the Tin man got sick:(

Last year, I was Lady Gaga. That was definitely my most favorite costume. I had random people coming up to me asking for a picture with me. It was so fun

This is was the actual dress she wore for the people who don't know what I'm talking about

And finally, this year I was Avril Lavigne one night, and the Taylor Swift song “You belong With Me” another night. So fun!

Avril Lavigne

"She wears short skirts, I wear T-Shirts, She's cheer captain, and I'm on the Bleachers" Get it?

I hoped you enjoyed my 3 days of Halloween:) Happy Halloween!

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