Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Flyer Chasing, Pure Nasties, and the JMU Zoo

So just as my title suggests, lately my mind has been all over the place. I can't wait for classes to end, but at the same time, I still have no idea what I'm doing for summer. Heck, I don't even know what I'm doing for the current week. I've been taking each hour as it comes, and barely thinking ahead in my week. I don't even really know what's going to happen with me this weekend. JMU knows, though. Or at least they try to keep telling me what's going to happen. On the Commons, there have been so many flyer people. It's ridiculous. They single you out and basically chase you down in order to give you a flyer about something you don't really care about, and they know you will throw away anyway. I've been trying to avoid the Commons every time I walk to class, but when I can't, this is what happens....

You'll be walking to class in a daze, and all of the sudden you find yourself on the Commons. You realize that there's no way out, so you do your best to avoid eye contact with the people with flyers.

But there's always that one person who is standing right in the middle, thus making it almost impossible to walk around her without walking all the way over to the guy who hands out Jesus bracelets and lectures you about the Gospel.

You try your best to avoid her, but she is like a hawk and immediately spots you. Her face lights up, and she has a flyer in hand at the ready.

This is when you are faced with 2 options.... Option 1: Do you take the flyer and risk letting other flyer people catch you and give you even more flyers? A single flyer is like a gateway drug. Once you take it, you will probably be given more flyers because people think you want to accept their flyers....

....Or you can go with option 2 and just hope that the flyer girl isn't faster than you.

After I survive the flyers for the day, I usually have to battle another mental war. You see, I have extra punches that I need to use since I've been going home on the weekends. I can't just let the 5 dollars go to waste, and the only place that really has anything other than food is Java City. I could go to Starbucks and spend my dining dollars on deliciousness.... 

.... but instead, I am obligated to use my 5 dollars worth of punch at Java City because they are the only place you can get coffee for a punch. But I wouldn't even call what they give me "coffee". It's more like sweet nastiness. Their coffee is waaayy too sweet, and there's always something gross at the bottom of the cup. It's like looking for a prize in a cereal box of pure liquid sugar, and then finding out that the prize is a soggy towel. I'm not even excited to use my punch there anymore. Instead of joyful deliciousness, I get to look forward to this....

But in all honesty, at least its "coffee" and it helps me stay awake.

Now, totally switching topics here, I've noticed that there have been a lot of tour groups at JMU recently. Most of the high schools are on spring break, and the seniors want to make a final decision about where they are going, so it seem s like they all come here. I don't mind the tour groups, but sometimes I feel like I'm a creature in a Zoo, and the tour groups are all the visitors. I'll just be walking to class....

.... And all of the sudden I hear....

I swear, it's really beginning to feel like I am a part of a Zoo, not a University. I can't wait for "Choices"....

Well if this post hasn't been too scatter-brained for you, I'm going to flip it again and say that that's all that's currently on my ADD mind, so I guess this is goodbye.

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