Monday, January 14, 2013

Fighting the Flu

Doctors have tried to explain to me what happens when you get the flu and why you need a flu shot, but no matter what they say, it's still so confusing. I've decided to make a comic about what I think happens when you get a flu shot.

Here is your white blood cells

and here is the flu virus

Your white blood cells are untrained and unprotected from the flu, so you need to get a flu shot in order to prepare them for battle. (i.e fighting the flu). By getting the flu shot, you give your white blood cells the tools they need to defend themselves and the rest of your body.

That way, when this happens....

.... your white blood cells are able to respond by having an epic battle inside of you.

I bet you didn't even know that they save your little red blood cells too.

And you end up being a-okay!

If you don't get the flu shot.... 

.... be prepared for chaos.

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