Tuesday, June 18, 2013

It's the Little Things

10 Little Things I Enjoy

The karate stance my bird does when you make a sudden movement near him. I call it the Dane Cook bad breath karate stance

How my dog runs diagonal

The man who always waves to me when he's walking in our neighborhood even though I have no idea who he is or of he even lives in my neighborhood

When my dog does "the creep"

When my dad sings and or talks to himself while he cooks

The way NOVA drivers anticipate a green light so much that they end up halfway in the intersection before the light actually changes. You think I'm exaggerating, but I'm not

The way people genuinely greet eachother at the Dulles airport

When I find this in the refrigerator....

How my dog practically pisses herself in excitement anytime someone walks in the front door

The way NOVA light pollination kind of looks like a sunset....

Again, it's the little things :)

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