Sunday, May 1, 2011

Expectations vs. Reality

I feel like there are many times in our life when we expect something, but then it turns out very different. I decided to dedicate this post to all of those times. These are a few of the things I can think of... and yes, I have experienced all of them. (Also, this is my first time using paintbrush so my drawings won't be that good)

1) Expectation: My drawings are awesome when I use "Paintbrush"
Reality: A third grader's art looks more like Picasso than mine

2) Expectation: After I lay in the sun, I will be soooo tan:)
Reality: Ghosts are tanner than me

3) Expectation: Math is pretty basic with numbers and the letter "x"
Reality: How is this still considered "math" because I don't see a single number....

4) Expectation: Squirrels are evil
Reality: Squirrels are still kinda evil....

5) Expectation: I can give myself a manicure
Reality: A two year old painted my nails

6) Expectation: I haven't been on facebook in forever. People must miss me
Reality: I guess not...

7) Expectation: My snowman is gonna be awesome!
Reality: Well, that was kinda a fail

8) Expectation: Yay McDonalds!
Reality: Ew.

9) Expectation: I can ski like they do in the olympics!

10) Expectation: I'm a good singer....
Reality: .... in the shower

Well, that's really all I got! And again... sorry about my artistic ability.... and my singing skills for anyone who's experienced them:)


  1. hahah love this!
    oh and did u draw the squirell?!

  2. you bet I did! The only decent drawing.... and it took me the longest
