Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Donkeys After Midnight

I think my college dorm might be haunted. Not in a bad way, but in a weird way. You see, on most nights when I go to bed at around 11 or 12, I am like this....

But for some reason if my roommate, Caryn, or I go to bed after 12 we end up like this....

Weird things happen after midnight. Well, not really things, more like weird conversations. I don’t know what it is, but if we go to bed after 12, we are bound to have some weird stuff happen. Let me take you through a typical after 12 night for Caryn and I.

Usually Caryn is in bed first so I am the one to turn off the lights. You know how as soon as you turn off the lights its pitch black because your eyes haven’t adjusted? Well, that usually happens to me…. Unless it’s after midnight. Tonight, as I turn off the lights, I see what looks like a light above me and I tell Caryn I see God’s light. We giggle, and then I climb into bed. And then we both see a flashing green light. It freaks us out, so I frantically shine my phone light at it only to discover that it’s just the smoke detector flashing. Neither of us have noticed it until now. We giggle some more. I roll over in my bed and yell because something hits my face. It’s just my silly little teddy bear. I throw him at Caryn even though I can’t see her. We giggle more and she throws him back.

After we calm down from all the giggling (sorry suitemates), the weird conversations start. We talk about random stuff like class systems within IV, maybodys and nobodys, alcohol consumption, cranberry juice, and how bad words originate. I never really know how the conversations start, but they are always pretty intense. It usually goes something like this....

And then we proceed to have an in depth conversation about the history of a "donkey".

When we are done, we laugh about the conversation, and then we go to bed. Like I said earlier: weird things happen after midnight.

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