Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Things I Love and Not Love About My iPhone 4s

LOVE- Siri. There are not enough words to be said about Siri. She is great. I can have an entire text conversation with someone without having to look at my phone. She can tell painfully dry jokes, she can sing with no tune at all, she can tweet for you, she can launch any app, she can tell you that the Redskins are getting crushed by every other football team in existence, and she can even bake you a freaking cake! Maybe I’m getting a little too excited about Siri. She can’t bake you a cake, but she can look up a picture of a cake! You can also change the language of Siri. There’s even a British Siri but “she” has a man voice so it gets kind of weird….

NOT LOVE- The phone is too big for your pockets (unless you're a guy and have mary-poppins’-never-ending-bag-pockets) so you have to carry it around in your hand like an awkward manchild.

LOVE- You can fast forward when listening to voicemail. Goodbye long rambling voicemails about ping-pong balls and morbidly obese chicken turtles.

NOT LOVE- The snooze time on the alarm is 9 minutes and you can’t change it. 9 freaking minutes! Whose idea was that?! Better yet, whose idea was it to make it so you can’t change it? I feel your pain OCD perfectionists. I feel your pain.

LOVE- You can make your ringtone or text alert just about anything. If you haven’t heard mine already, it’s Borat’s voice shouting, “You have new text message!!! Hi-five!!!” It’s the definition of annoying, but it’s more like an awesome annoying.

NOT LOVE- My phone automatically makes all my facebook friends my phone contacts so I have like a thousand phone numbers. If you’re reading this, I probably have your number…. Because my phone is creepy. I apologize for my phone being creepy.

LOVE- When you’re texting, all you have to do to put in a period is double space  It’s really nice because you don’t have to change the keyboard just to put in punctuation  However, I get too used to this and I start forgetting that you can’t just double space for everything so I end up writing sentences like this

NOT LOVE- If you’re typing something in google search and misspell a word, you have to delete everything just to fix the one word. 

LOVE- My calendar automatically adds everyone’s birthday so I don’t have to do it manually. It makes me look like I have a lot of friends.

NOT LOVE- The camera angle is awful when you’re trying to skype or make a facetime call. Seriously, no one looks good from this angle.

I hope you appreciate the extremely unflattering picture of me. You're welcome.

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