Saturday, February 12, 2011

Aliens and Weapons

Let me explain…

Aliens and Weapons is the best game in the world! I played it with IV large group in a giant building called Memorial Hall. There are 3 groups: The aliens (about 8 people), the weapons (about 3 people), and the humans (everyone else, so about 50+ people). First, the humans all go into a room and wait for the aliens to hide all the weapons. Then, the aliens come back to the lobby area and give the humans 1 minute to spread out and look for the weapons before the aliens are also allowed to run free. The point of the game is to tag people so they are out. If an alien tags a human, then the human is out. But, if a human has a weapon, they (and anyone touching the weapon) are safe. And if a human who has a weapon tags an alien, then the alien is out. So basically, the aliens try to tag the humans and get them out before the humans find all the weapons and tag all the aliens out.

I was a human for the first 2 rounds. Being a human isn’t anything special, but it is a lot of random sprinting. You’ll be walking around with a random group (I usually tried to stay with guys because they were good shields) and all of the sudden, someone will see an alien... and then it becomes survival of the fastest. Everyone will turn and run and if you are the slowest in the group, you will probably get tagged out. Wasn’t too much of a problem for me since I’m a runner. The first time I got out, I was acting as bait... and it worked so I consider it a good sacrifice:)

The third round was the most fun. I was a weapon for this round so I had to be hidden in the beginning of the game. The aliens decided to hide me down this dark office hallway in a box. Yes. IN a BOX. I wasn't supposed to make any noise so I thought I would never be found. But I was wrong. This nice girl and guy found me within the first few minutes of the game. And then it was full out sprinting around the building looking for aliens and saving humans. The stairs were always the hardest. I slipped a few times and flat out fell down them one time. I hit the wall a few times too. I quickly found out it’s hard to make a 90-degree turn while sprinting as fast as you can. But it’s totally worth every fall, collision, and bruise. I still have a battle wound….

Another thing that’s great about being a weapon is that you kinda feel like a hero. There was one point where I was running around with some humans and we were looking for aliens. We went down this hallway and heared someone yelling so we went towards the noise. I turned out to be J-Bear (nickname for one of the large group leader guys) who was cornered by two aliens.

The next part I wish I could’ve seen in slow motion with that “Chariots of Fire” theme song playing. The human and I come racing around the corner and tag one of the aliens. We then head for the other one as he turns on his heels to run away. As we pass J-Bear, I can see the look of relief on his face and as we run away, he calls out “Thank you for saving my life!”  I seriously felt like a hero at that moment. You’re Welcome J-Bear.

This is a real game. And it makes you really sore the next day.

But would I do it again?
Yes! In a heartbeat.

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