Saturday, February 26, 2011


This is a really short post because it's just an update.

Scroll allllllllll the way down to the bottom of my blog page.... and there you will find a little surprise:)

IT'S A VIRTUAL FISH TANK! Sorry.... I ruined the surprise. But I was so excited when I got it! If you put your mouse over the tank, the fish will come to you, and if you click in the tank, you can feed them! How exciting is that!?!? There are ten of them. One of them is white so you can't really see it unless you tilt your computer screen. I think I will name that one "Invisifish" because it's basically invisible. Feel free to become distracted by my new virtual fish tank. Mwahahaha!

Also, I'm thinking about changing my blog's title soon. I just feel like "Alison's Blog" is so.... I don't know.... boring. We shall see:)

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