Saturday, February 19, 2011

A Sneak Preview of 2012

Today I got a sneak preview of the end of the world... it was weird. I did not like it.
*Note: my thoughts/writing is kinda scattered because my head still kinda hurts and it's hard to concentrate right now.

I woke up at 12 pm to howling wind outside. I felt extremely hot and my head was pounding like a spirit drum. I had a fever and a massive headache. I kinda just laid in my bed thinking about how much my head hurt and how I did not have any meds with me to help this problem. I also thought about my dream. I didn't really remember much of it, but I think it had something to do with skiing and Justin Bieber. Maybe I had Bieber fever and thats why I felt sick;)

Anyway, I didn't really feel like dealing with people, or going out to brunch, so I got dressed (dressed meaning putting on a sweatshirt and jeans) washed my face, brushed my teeth and tied my hair up. I then went to walk over to one of the grab and go places for food so I could just bring it back to my room and relax. Going outside was not fun because my body decided today would be a great day to be a drama queen. My head pounded with every step, the sun was too bright for my eyes, and the wind was freakin' cold as ice against my face.

But then I realized that it was the end of the world.

The first thing I noticed was the smell. There was a strong smell of smoke. Like so strong that for a minute I thought my dorm was on fire. Then I noticed the sky. It was pink and orange.... and foggy. I was really bewildered because it was almost 1 in the afternoon and the sky was not supposed to be pink. Pink skies are for sunsets. And the fog was just weird. I put two and two together pretty quickly though. The fog was actually smoke and thats why it smelled like smoke everywhere. But I was still confused as to why the entire sky at JMU was smoky. And I couldn't figure out why nobody else seemed worried about this minor detail that could totally effect the rest of our lives. I mean, COME ON PEOPLE! The sky looks like fire and it even smells like fire and no one else is showing concern? It was also extremely windy. Like the kind of wind that pushes on you and actually prevents you from walking in a straight line. The wind started to make me angry. My head was throbbing, the sky was on fire, and the wind was pushing on me. And then I hear, "YEAH JMU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" right. in. my. ear. I scowled at the boy who just yelled before I realized that there was multiple tour groups next to me.

So picture this: I have just woken up, I am wearing absolutely NO make-up, I am looking at the sky with a very confused look on my face, I am walking like a drunk person because of the wind, and I am scowling at a friendly and spirited JMU student..... the touring students are definitely going to want to come here after seeing me.

Once I get my food and get safely back in my dorm I check TV Guide on my computer to see what's on, and a pop-up pops up. It said, "If you were to die today, who would take care of your family?" and it had this picture of a girl crying over a grave stone. Wow. *nervous laugh* that's ironic because it feels like the end of the world to me. I proceed to turn on the T.V only to hear an emergency message that there are extreme wind conditions, it is unnaturally dry outside, and there are many wild fires in the area so use caution. Uhhhhhhhh.... okay. So, basically you're telling me that it IS indeed the end of the world. Awesome.

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