Well my job as a waitress has officially come to an end this summer, and it ended with a splash. Quite literally though. Like, I was thrown in a fountain on my last day. It was a fun job though and I will definitely miss some of the people! Looking back, I learned quite a few things about the restaurant business and just people in general. If you ever plan to be a waitress, be warned!
1) My tasks are like Sims. I have a mental list of stuff that I need to get done and a specific order. If something unexpected comes up, I usually forget what I was supposed to be doing before because, like Sims, all the other tasks were deleted. It's just like when the phone rings in Sims. You have to cancel everything you were doing before in order to answer the call just in case it's that mysterious person who gives you 100,000 Sim dollars
2) All of your tables will either want nothing or something at the same time. They'll all say they're fine right now and don't need anything, but the minute you go back to check on one, they'll all need something. "Can I get more water?" "Check please!" "Can I have some Tabasco sauce?" "Do you take Visa?"
3) Sometimes you have to get creative about how to weave through the busy bar in order to get your drinks
4) People pretend they know a lot about wine when they taste it, but most of them really don't. They know they're supposed to sniff it at some point, but they don't even know why. They just don't want to look stupid in front of you
5) Drunk people at the bar will either think A) "So... are you single?" is a good pick-up line or B) Fully and stubbornly believe that you are someone they met "that one time" and refuse to believe your name is anything other than "Emily". Just go with it, and have fun playing along. See how far you can get with the craziness of the story. "Yeah! I remember that! And then you ran around naked, punched that cop and drove his car into that pool! You don't remember that? Hahaha that's probably because you were so drunk, man!" If the guy's more sober friends like you, they'll play along with you and keep feeding the story
6) If nobody saw you spill it, it never happened
7) People don't understand the concept of "move" and it gets frustrating when you are in a hurry. You will get stuck behind some slow person who decides they want to stop in the middle of the path and just observe the flowers. It makes me want to scream every time
8) People will legitimately fight over who gets to cover the bill. Just take the first card that's handed to you and walk away quickly. Ignore the lady that almost cries because she wanted to pay
9) Sometimes, surprisingly, people forget what they order
10) When people ask you to recommend something to them on the menu, men will usually order what you recommend. Women on the other hand will ask if you prefer item A or B. 99% of the time they already have their mind made up and just want you to hopefully justify their choice. The other 1% of the time, they just want to pick the opposite of what you say. Psh.... Women....
11) You develop a sixth sense for when there is clean silverware that needs rolling. It's like you can smell it and are naturally drawn to it even though you don't want to be
12) Sometimes people give you bad tips for no reason (most likely because they don't understand the world of food service. Either that or they can't do math very well). Sometimes people give you awesome tips for something as small as being a fan of the Redskins
13) Sometimes you will get a vegan that comes into your Italian restaurant wanting to eat something other than a salad. They will never understand that all of the entrees have meat, all of the appetizers are cooked with milk or eggs, all of the pizzas and pastas have egg in them and usually a meat or cream sauce, and so that only leaves the salads. It is an "Italian" restaurant after-all....
14) .... And sometimes you will get a family coming into your
Italian restaurant wanting burgers, hot dogs, and fries. They will be more out of place than a family going into an Italian restaurant wanting burgers, hot dogs, and fries
15) If the restaurant Clyde's across the street does it, we do it. If we do it, Cylde's does it. If they set up they're patio, we set up our patio. If we take down our patio, they take down their patio. If they lose power, we laugh at them and put up a huge sign that says, "Come in! We have power, food, and AC! Suck it Clyde's!"
16) People will always make the same cheesy jokes about the food
17) Some people are so rich that they can blow a 300 dollar tab and not even look at the bill. Get over it. They're rich. And they probably always will be
18) When a guy looks you in the eyes and says, "Do you have Buttery Nipples?" don't be offended. He's asking for a speciality drink
19) And going along with that, there are many strange and sexually named drinks. Yes, 'Sex on the Beach' is "easy" and 'Naked Girl Scout' is tasty
20) Restaurant drama is the best